Thursday, February 03, 2005

Gee's Bend and the Alabama Shakespeare Festival

The Alabama Shakespeare Festival's Southern Writers' Project Festival of New Plays starts in Montgomery on Friday, Feb. 4 and goes through Sunday, Feb. 6th. For those maskers who might enjoy dramatic diversion that doesn't take place in the streets of Mobile, why not schedule a trip to ASF's Southern Writers' Project and meet, among others, Sena Jeter Naslund, author of two extraordinary novels Ahab's Wife and Four Spirits.

Oh, and this gypsy queen cab just loves to share good news...especially when sworn to secrecy before the announcement:
Elyzabeth Gregory Wilder was awarded a Southern Writers' Project commission to develop a play about Gee's Bend! That red-headed dynamo just flew in town from the other coast (Los Angeles) and is on her way to Montgomery right this minute.

And, friends on the bay, it goes without saying that
Alabama Writers' Forum Executive Director Jeanie Thompson will be hosting her Spalding buddies--including Sena--for some of the weekend's activities. If the Gypsy Queen Cab ever gets down off the cinder blocks in the barn, we'll share an up close and personal account of the writers, actors, and readings.

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