Thursday, February 03, 2005

And Baby Makes...A Designer's Dreams Come True!

Once upon a time, not too many years ago, a young Martin Lanaux--now proprietor of the rare and used books at Over The Transom Bookstore--lived on Bayview with his young bride Gina and a baby girl...

But that was then, and this is now...Martin still has his lovely bride Gina, and two beautiful daughters. Martin knows everyone on the bay and he tells me that
Javis Davis on Church Street is one of the best kept secrets in town. The leader in custom bedding for infants and children features "Custom-made bedding at ready-made prices!" What a treat is in store for those who make an appointment to visit and create sweet dreams for their own children or grandchildren. Some folks visit in person, while others from all parts of the country make a virtual tour to buy Mary Lou Cothran's custom designs.

The gypsy queen cab may need to order some toile pillows for the back seat just to add a touch of that je ne sais quoi.

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