Friday, February 04, 2005

Come day, go day, God send Sunday

When the Gypsy Queen Cab toured the Blue Ridge Mountains and dropped in on Mr. Jefferson's University in Charlottesville for a few years, a favored English professor and his wife produced a documentary film...Come day, go day, God send Sunday. The title resonated and from time to time in the workaday world, this cab hears the lament and refrain from folks who toil in the corporate fields--another form of slavery.

A short history lecture: the expression, and the documentary title, was one that was voiced by African-Americans who worked in low paying, or no-paying, back breaking jobs from Monday through Friday, and who received little, if any, respect from their white bosses. On Sunday, those same janitors and house keepers and yard men became deacons and elders and preachers in their churches. On Sunday, those hard working individuals found respect, an opportunity to fortify themselves spiritually for the coming work week.

The Gypsy Queen Cab rarely tours a political landscape, but on this eve it somehow seems appropriate.

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